Baltic Street Adventure Playground - Wikihouse - Dalmarnock

In 2016 I volunteered regularly at Baltic Street Adventure Playground in Dalmarnock, East Glasgow. This fantastic project was set up to give local kids a place to run around and build their own playground, with all the important decisions being made by the children. What started out as an empty plot of land in 2013 is now an amazing playground space with treehouses, a fire pit, rope bridges and a climbing wall. 

I helped staff, volunteers and children during the construction of a WikiHouse on the site which is to house workshop and office spaces, built in collaboration with BAM Construction, Civic Soup and students from Edinburgh College of Art. WikiHouse is an open-source construction concept that allows for small-scale buildings to be designed, manufactured and assembled by a small team with a small budget.

For more information about WikiHouse click here.